This is a list of people we have not been able to contact. Any help is much appreciated. If you know how to contact them, please tell them about this website, or email us with the appropriate information, or both. 

If you know of a classmate who has passed, please let us know who, and what details are available, so that we can honor that person on the In Memory Of page. Thank you. 

A - F
Lesley Akrop
Martin Angel
Jim Baker
Vicki Bergren Van Engelenburg
Sheila Boyle
Carol Bracket Noe
Bev Brown Frediani
Jan Brown
Louie Cameron Smith
Bryan Cantrill
Marlene Casteneda
Kathy Charron Travis
Jim Conover
Celeste Cowell
Bob Cunningham
Jim Cunningham
Dennis Dallas
Phillippe Depreux
Mike Degan
Debbie Deinema
Margaret Downey

G - L
Don Gardner
Brad Gilardy
Sharon Gillham
Greg Glosser
Jay Griswold
Steve Griswold
Laura Goldsmith
Geoff Gordon
Donna Gordy
Jim Haggerty
Valerie Harrison
Sherry Honstein Graves
Pete Horne
Suzanne Hutchins Cassidy
Linda Diane Ivory Miller
Toni Johnson
Randy Kahn
Darren Kirby
Linda Kozlowski
Lee Larson
Pam Lawder
Linda LeCompt Martino 
Larry Leiper
Lee Lorenzen
Doug Lortsher
M - R
Frank Martin
Joel McDonald
Jule McDorman
Darryl McLeod
Patty Mohar Wills
Ken Morris
Mary Morris
Casey Moser
Robert Mueller
Kathy Muller
Elaine Murphy 
Chris Nelson
Janet Newman Young
Mark Odegard
Jim Oram
Jim Palmer
Vicki Paxson
Anita Perkins
Wayne Phillips
Carolyn Pinch
Kay Poertner Hacke
Sharon Pounds
Randy Puckett
Sue Roberson
Steve Ross
Tom Rowe

S – Z
Alice Sandman
Mary Sargent
Donna Schultz Storey
Dave Scott
Steve Shaw
Gary Shipp
Mary Steele
Trish Strainic
Jaynie Tatum
Cindy Thompson Castro
Terre Thompson
Ed Tracy
Tina Wageman Lemke
Patty Ware Grim
Colleen Wilson Brett
Kim Young
Michael Yuschenkoff