One hundred sixteen people came!
This list is obviously incomplete. Listed are classmates, but not their spouses and friends who may have come. Please contact us if you see inaccuracies. Thank you.
1. Ingri Anderson (Millemann)
Debi Barrett (Miller)
Bonnie Berk
Craig Bianchi
Robert Biesbrock
Greg Briody
Greg Burnside
Mike Caldwell
Tim Campbell
10. Sonia Caris
Patti Carpenter (Sheldon)
Jim Chubb
Bryan Coleman
Nancy Cony
Sharon Cunningham
Carol Day-Johnson
Roxy Durell Hendrick
Shari Dyer
Caroline Fante Callo
20. Mike Farrell
Diane Franet
Dave Gerber
Henry Glover
Jim Gilbert
Joe Guichard
Lori Haile Sunderland
Tim Herring
Brownie (Bronwen) Heuer
Chris Hoadley
30. Charlotte Horne Gagne
Mark Hull
Ralph Hurtado
Sharon Jacobucci Ouka
Kent Johnson
Deborah Jones Toohey
Diane Jory Hayden
Hayward Kaiser
Kathy Killough Busby
Betty Allen Lazzareschi
40. Ken Lowe
Nancy Lupton Abruzzo
Gil Lynd
Susan Maes Lindstrom
Jay Marchus
Susan Mathis Ferstlers
Debbie Maurer
Michael McDonald
Scott McKay
Mark Mellicoat
50. Bill Mitchell
Margaret Mossotto Nance
Tom Murray
Nancy Neibuhr Parker
Chris Offen Linvill
Steve Oliphant
Sharon O'Neil Scott
Bob Peacock
Joyce Peterson Jarrard
Preston Peterson
60. Karen Rasmussen Aronson
Bob Reid
Karen Ring McGee
Norman Rominger
Blyth Rowley Lynd
Bob Russell
Nancy Russell Gerber
Betsy St. Aubin
Win Sale
Janell Sanderson Dellamar
70. Don Sargent
Kathie Saylor Tompkins
Marnie Scott Brennan
Sally Sehring
Margaret Shellenberg Herald
Mary Shellenberg Sale
Bob Shelby
Bill Shirley
Debbie Simonds
Bruce Smith
80. Luanna Sonia
Betsy St Aubin
Beth Stenberg
Joy Stirton Shonfield
Daisy Stirton
Yvonne Tashiro
Susan Taylor Kydd
Marianne Tharsing Willard
Jim Trezona
Mark Werum
90. Sally Whicker Deveze
Wendy Wilkes
Billie Yeamen
Chris Young